Join as an Alliance member! As a member of The Alliance, you’ll benefit from a dedicated and informed team that works to elevate your business, as well as issues that are important to you! Membership Benefits n Free listing in Alaska Oil, Gas & Mining Directory. n Access to Alliance Health Plan Programs. n Marketing Assistance. The Alliance will work with you and provide opportunity for you to promote your company to the right people! n Networking with industry leaders. n Networking with other members and opportunities to promote your business at events including Meet Alaska (energy conference/trade show), golf tournaments, breakfast and lunch forums and more. n Advocacy and government relations. Participate in and benefit from lobbying efforts that benefit your individual company and the resource development industry. Membership Levels Membership is for the fiscal year which runs from July 1 to June 30 Wildcat ($2,900) For major companies, may include up to five subsidiaries and/or representation in multiple chapters. In addition to membership, Wildcat members receive a free company listing in our Oil, Gas and Mining Directory and all subsidiary companies listed separately ($5,000 value), 5 annual meeting tickets, 5 breakfasts passes, company logo receives priority placement in Alaska Oil, Gas and Mining Directory ($5,200 value) and a company banner ad to be featured on Alliance webpage ($5,000 value) and access to our health plan program. Total Value of Wildcat Membership: $15,200+ Signature Corporate ($1,500) For small businesses and subsidiaries. In addition to membership, Signature Corporate Members receive a free company listing in our Oil, Gas and Mining Directory ($1,000 value), 1 season breakfast pass, 2 annual meeting tickets, logo prominently displayed in the Alliance Oil, Gas and Mining Directory ($2,000 value). Member company profile on Alliance webpage and social media outlets ($5,000 value) and access to our health plan program. Total Value of Signature Corporate Membership: $8,000 Corporate ($850) For small businesses. In addition to membership, Corporate Members receive a free company listing in our Oil, Gas and Mining Directory ($1,000 value) as well as the opportunity to send a promotional email to all Alliance members statewide featuring your company or a product or service that you would like to promote ($1,000 value) and access to our health insurance program. Total Value of Corporate Membership: $2,000 Individual ($250) Individual will be listed by name in Oil & Gas Directory (not intended for corporate participation). All other member benefits apply. Student ($50) Student membership is open to individuals in degreeconferring programs. Listed by name in our Oil, Gas and Mining Directory. Access to health plan program. Affiliate ($25) $25 per year with sponsored employer — A full-time employee of an Alaskan Oil / Gas Producer, Mining Operation or Pipeline company which has provided sponsorship to the Alliance within the last 3 years. Includes access to all events, access to organization communications, access to Alliance health insurance plans. Listing in printed and digital versions of the annual Oil, Gas and Mining Directory. Join today at THE LINK: MARCH 2025 44