The Link Spring 2025

Alliance Members and Friends: Welcome to Meet Alaska 2025 — our 41st annual energy conference, to bring our membership, natural resource developers and featured guests together for a day of education, networking and camaraderie. Important topics include natural gas development with the prospects of AKLNG beginning a FEED phase in 2025 and two potential options for Cook Inlet natural gas imports. One, all or some combination of these projects will surely come to fruition. One of The Alliance policy issues for 2025 is security of gas supply for the Cook Inlet, whether that be from new drilling, a gas pipeline from the North Slope or imported LNG. It is vital to our state that we find a solution for the looming natural gas shortfall. A contingent of Alliance Board members recently returned from Juneau, where we spent two days meeting with legislators and state officials. This was my second time as part of The Alliance representation in Juneau and I was again amazed as how much recognition and respect The Alliance has within our legislature. While not all lawmakers are on the same side as The Alliance and what we stand for, they all know who we are and the number of Alaskan companies and Alaskan people we represent. Another legislative session and two new oil tax bills were introduced, which the Alliance is opposing. SB 92 is targeting a tax on S-corporations that produce oil & gas and make over a certain dollar amount. Only one company meets this critera, Hilcorp. SB 112 (introduced while we were there) is proposing to reduce the per barrel credit for new oil from $8 to $5 a barrel. This is well after ConocoPhillips and Santos made final investment decisions for Willow and Pikka, respectively. The current tax regime has been in place for 11 years and has been the prime driver in the new North Slope development projects, which are expected to add over 250,000 barrels per day to TAPS and increase future state revenues. We will fight against both bills and work to keep Alaska’s investment climate stable. Many Alliance board members will attend Meet Alaska, so if you have any questions or want to know how you can participate with The Alliance, please seek us out and ask. Enjoy the conference! Respectfully, Jeff Welcome to Meet Alaska! Thank you for your support Message From Jeff Baker, Board of Directors President THE LINK: MARCH 2025 4 Connect with The Alliance We are working proactively to keep our members informed and connected via online platforms and events. Watch for our updates through email and social media. LinkedIn: Facebook: X (formerly Twitter): And if you’re not receiving our updates, email Stay up to date on our website at