Trilogy completes feasibility study for Bornite copper There’s new action on minerals development in Northwest Alaska. Trilogy Metals Inc., a Vancouver, B.C.-based “junior” mining exploration firm, has completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment Study, or PEA, for the large Bornite copper deposit in Northwest Alaska. Meanwhile, it appears new President Donald Trump is ready to greenlight the proposed Ambler Access Project, a 211-mile industrial road from the state’s Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District, where Ambler Metals is exploring copper discovered at Arctic and Bornite. The road would allow mineral concentrates to be trucked to the Dalton Highway and to markets. Bornite is owned by Ambler Metals LLC, which is held 50-50 by Trilogy and Australia-based South 32, a major mining company. Ambler Metals is exploring discoveries in Northwest Alaska including the high-grade Arctic copper deposit. Bornite was discovered earlier, about 70 years ago, and explored over several years by Kennecott Minerals. Kennecott turned its attention to a new discovery at Arctic, which has taken priority. Ambler Metals has recently resumed work at Bornite and Trilogy undertook the first PEA for a mine. The study is preliminary in nature, Trilogy said. Highlights of the study: n Resources of 1.9 billion pounds of copper were identified, which were deemed sufficient for mining over 17 years. The PEA describes technical and economic feasibility of a 6,000 tonneAmbler Access Project gains steam with Trump THE LINK: MARCH 2025 28 Photo Courtesy Ambler Metals Ambler Metals is exploring copper discovered at Arctic and Bornite (above).