The Link Spring 2025

Increases coming at Prudhoe field amid new drilling The Willow and Pikka projects by ConocoPhillips and Santos, Ltd. are being closely watched this year but Hilcorp Energy has a busy winter season planned at North Slope fields it operates east of Pikka and Willow. The company briefed state legislators in Juneau on Feb. 10. Hilcorp plans to spend $900 million in 2025 on slope projects, up from $870 million in 2024, Jill Fisk, a senior Hilcorp manager, told legislators. From east to west, Hilcorp is operator at the Point Thomson gas/condensate projects and the Endicott and Northstar offshore fields. Onshore, the company operates the large Prudhoe Bay field along with Milne Point. Hilcorp is operating five drill rigs this year on the Slope, Fisk said. At Point Thomson, Hilcorp is reactivating a Doyon Drilling rig this winter with plans to move it to Point Thomson by ice road next winter to drill a second gas and condensate well. This will allow Point Thompson liquid condensate output to double to fully use capacity in the pipeline built west to Badami and Prudhoe Bay. At the large Prudhoe Bay field, Hilcorp plans to drill 58 wells this year drilled with both conventional “rotary” rigs and lightweight, truck-mounted coiled-tubing units, Fisk said. There are now 47 drill sites and production pads at Prudhoe, 1,000 miles of pipelines, 230 miles of oil field roads and about 1,000 producing wells. Hilcorp plans $900M in Slope work during 2025 CONTINUED on PAGE 16 THE LINK: MARCH 2025 14