www.AlaskaAlliance.com 43 TIMBER HUNTING OIL & GAS M INERALS S OIL & GAS TONGASS ANWR COOK INLET PARK SERVICE LANDS 55 EXECUTIVE ORDERS & ACTIONS TARGETING ALASKA JANUARY 20, 2021 - PRESIDENT BIDEN TAKES OFFICE 01.20.2021 - EO 13990 on Day 1, reviewing the Willow Project EIS. 01.20.2021 - EO 13990 on Day 1, reviewing Bering Sea-Western Interior EIS. 01.20.2021 - EO 13990 on Day 1, reviewing hunting/trapping in National Preserves rule. 01.20.2021 - EO 13990 on Day 1, reviewing Roadless Rule exemption for Alaska. 01.20.2021 - EO 13990 on Day 1, moratorium on congressionallymandated ANWR leasing. 01.20.2021 - EO 13990 on Day 1, reinstating Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area. 02.01.2021 - U.S. Forest Service halts activities in Alaska Roadless Rule areas. 02.2021 - BLM conducts bad-faith permitting for KIC AK Native lands, blocking access. 04.16.2021 - DOI delays PLOs for AK Native Veteran allotments, tribes, resources. 04.16.2021 - DOI Secretary Order 3398, revoking DOI’s previous NPR-A order. MAY 24, 2021 - ALASKA DELEGATION MEETING AT THE WHITE HOUSE 06.01.2021 - DOI initiates new EIS process for 1002 Area, suspends ANWR leases. 06.07.2021 - BLM expands Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area by 4,500 acres. 06.29.2021 - DOI withdraws Arctic OCS exploratory drilling proposed rule. 07.15.2021- USDA bans old growth harvest, proposes road development ban in Tongass. 07.23.2021 - BLM environmental review limits AK Native Veteran allotment program. 07.27.2021 - USFWS considers ESA listing for Alexander Archipelago wolf. 08.04.2021 - DOI intends to review potential development in ANWR 1002 Area. 09.03.2021 - DOI reviews EIS for 2020 NPR-A integrated activity plan. 11.2021 - Administration’s “Build Back Better” bill cancels ANWR leases. 11.19.2021 - USDA intends to roll back Roadless Rule exemption for Alaska. DECEMBER 9, 2021 - ALASKA DELEGATION MEETING AT THE WHITE HOUSE 12.31.2021 - USFS fails to hold mandated Tongass timber sale. 2021 - BLM intends to review Central Yukon Resource Plan EIS. 01.10.2022 - BLM selects “No Action Alternative” for 2020 NPR-A IAP/EIS. 01.20.2022 - USDA & DOI publish federal subsistence policy notice. 02.2022 - Administration delays final supplemental EIS for Willow Project. 02.22.2022 - DOI files to reopen Ambler Road ROD. 03.09.2022 - BLM intends to establish recreational fees on Alaska public lands. 04.04.2022 - NOAA intends to designate critical habitat area for Beringia seals. 04.21.2022 - DOI further delays, complicates AK Native Veteran allotments. 04.26.2022 - BLM reverts the NPR-A to the 2013 Integrated Activity Plan. 05.12.2022 - DOI cancels planned oil & gas lease sale in Cook Inlet. 05.25.2022 - EPA proposes 404(c) pre-emptive veto of Pebble Mine site. 06.2022 - DOI intends to review and revise the Ambler Road Project EIS. 06.08.2022 - NOAA advances marine sanctuary proposal for St. Paul Island region. 08.11.2022 - DOI advances AK Native allotment process with reduced available acreage. 08.16.2022 - BLM intends to prepare EIS on lands subject to ANCSA withdrawal. 09.13.2022 - BLM guidance on SO 3403 usurps state authority on Alaska lands. 11.16.2022 - USACE pulls nationwide permit for Constantine Mine. 12.01.2022 - EPA recommends 404(c) preemptive veto of Pebble. 12.01.2022 - DOI delays release of draft SEIS for ANWR 1002 Area drilling. 12.06.2022 - DOI claims authority over state lands relevant to Ambler Road Project. DECEMBER 21, 2022 - ALASKA DELEGATION MEETING AT THE WHITE HOUSE 01.06.2023 - DOI proposes hunting restrictions on Alaska’s National Preserves. 01.10.2023 - BLM publishes PLO with 20-year extension of Chugach Forest withdrawal. 01.24.2023 - BLM draft plans include access fees prohibited under ANILCA. 01.31.2023 - EPA publishes pre-emptive veto of Pebble Mine area. MARCH 3, 2023 - ALASKA DELEGATION MEETING AT THE WHITE HOUSE 03.13.2023 - DOI proposes additional restrictions on 13 million acres of NPR-A. 03.13.2023 - White House intends to block all oil & gas leasing in the Arctic Ocean. 03.14.2023 - DOI withdraws land exchange for life-saving King Cove Road. 04.04.2023 - EPA enables unachievable deadline for PM2.5 air quality standard for Fairbanks. 05.19.2023 - DOI again delays the Ambler Road Project ROD. 05.19.2023 - DOI places new surface mining regulatory requirements on Alaska. 05.31.2023 - BLM intends to lock up 7.35 million acres around Birch Creek / Fortymile. 06.08.2023 - BLM extends PLO withdrawing 117 acres of public land from mining until 2043. 06.20.2023 - BLM invests in project aimed at locking up development in Fortymile district. 09.07.2023 - DOI cancels final lawfullyissued ANWR leases held by AIDEA.