Alaska Resource Review Winter 2025

For advertising information, rates and deadlines, email or call: Fireweed Strategies LLC 907-957-6025 INSIDE THIS ISSUE  2023 Annual Convention Recap  Busy Winter on North Slope  What’s Ahead for 2024  A Look Back: RDC Through the Years ALASKA RESOURCE REVIEW VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 1 | WINTER 2024 Magazine of the Resource Development Council for Alaska | REFILLING TAPS: New Work on Slope Bodes Well for Future Introductory Issue: The New Alaska Resource Review Welcome to the Alaska Resource Review! This magazine in both print and online editions is the official publication of the Resource Development Council for Alaska. This publication is our newest tool to help the RDC in advocating for all five of Alaska’s key resource industries — oil and gas, mining, fisheries, forestry and tourism. When the first issue of Resource Review was published in 1978, our organization was named the Organization for Management of Alaska’s Resources Inc. (OMAR), and we were focused on building and maintaining the Trans Alaska Pipeline. We became the RDC three years later and our mission grew to represent all our resource industries. On the following pages you will see stories about all of the vital industries we represent in Alaska and abroad. It’s both amazing and humbling how much the faces have changed, but the stories and the challenges remain the same! In future issues of Alaska Resource Review, we will keep you abreast of key issues we need to address, what’s happening inside the RDC and with our members, as well as putting a very human, Alaskan face on the people who get it done right in Alaska! Our readership is now worldwide. Our goal is reaching key leaders with correct, current, compelling information on the importance of developing Alaska’s resources for the good of both our state and our country. We hope you enjoy our work here and support what we do. We encourage you to join this effort with suggestions, stories, or story ideas, and to share this publication both with others in your team and especially those beyond our borders and industries who need to hear these stories. Enjoy! MINING OIL & GAS F I SHER I ES TOUR I SM FORESTRY ALASKA RESOURCE REVIEW is published by Fireweed Strategies LLC, the publisher of unique Alaska magazines. Welcome to the Alaska Resource Review! This magazine in both print and online editions is the official publication of the Resource Development Council for Alaska. This publication is our newest tool to help the RDC in advocating for all five of Alaska’s key resource industries — oil and gas, mining, fisheries, forestry and tourism. When the first issue of Resource Review was published in 1978, our organization was named the Organization for Management of Alaska’s Resources Inc. (OMAR), and we were focused on building and maintaining the Trans Alaska Pipeline. We became the RDC three years later and our mission grew to represent all our resource industries. On the following pages you will see stories about all of the vital industries we represent in Alaska and abroad. It’s both amazing and humbling how much the faces have changed, but the stories and the challenges remain the same! In future issues of Alaska Resource Review, we will keep you abreast of key issues we need to address, what’s happening inside the RDC and with our members, as well as putting a very human, Alaskan face on the people who get it done right in Alaska! Our readership is now worldwide. Our goal is reaching key leaders with correct, current, compelling information on the importance of developing Alaska’s resources for the good of both our state and our country. We hope you enjoy our work here and support what we do. We encourage you to join this effort with suggestions, stories, or story ideas, and to share this publication both with others in your team and especially those beyond our borders and industries who need to hear these stories. Enjoy!