Alaska Miner Winter 2025

Land and Mineral Management OA lpaps ok saema il nl pi nrgo pp or os ej edc tpsosl iucci ec se st shfautl layr ce od- ee sx ii gs nt ewdi ttho tehl ee vnaatteu or anleernevsior uo rncme eonvte ar nadn oo tt hh ee rr ai nnddurset cr oi egsn. i z e t h a t Immapprpoivneg tahseasmtaetuasnsoffoArlainskcrae’sasbiansgefliunteurmeaSptpatiengreavnedncuoelsle. ct resource data, such as airborne geophysical PR ue qr suui reeaan dt hdoer foeungdh geuvaarlaunattei oe nd oa fc cme isns e, ri na cl lpuodtienngt iRaSl 2a 4n 7d 7asc, cf eosrsapl lr ui osre st oa ac rnoys lsa anldl satlal ot ec aatni odnfse ds ue rc ahl al as npdasr.k s , f p E p e u r n d e r s e s s u r e u r a r a e l v n m t e t h s i t e , n o o T i r n t r h g l u a e s c n 1 t l d a 9 L i d 9 am n i 4 s d i p s n e o O h t s o f t a f l l i e l d c s m e i . n emg nset teoot fsTti rht use soAt bll laai sng kadat) i oMs pneetncoti afdil ceHav leel yal ol ttprhat Tnh rse uf ems rt irnCe iadns gteol tatonh sde usAp(l pianos ckr ltauTdMri une sng tttabhl eeHnceeoaf ni l ctvihea rrTsi rei uos .sn t o f Support Alaska Statehood Defense efforts iOmpppoossietiaonnyoffeedxecreaslseinvecrpoearcmhmitteinngt orneqSutairteems’ernigths.ts, such as the use of preemptive federal veto actions and OO pp pp oo ss ee tuhnewraertruarnnt oe df SEtna tdea lnagnedrse/dmSipneecriaelsrAi gcht tlsi sttoi ntghse af ne ddecrrai lt igcoavl ehranbmi t aetndt .e s i g n a t i o n s i n A l a s k a a n d i n s i s t all decisions are based on sound science. DcoenmsuanltdattihoantsA. NCSA Native Corporations are recognized in federal government-to-government Pao cfuttrihso eun esf efwde edo reuarl lda ll ananocdtt isho atnhrsma tt ott hhr eee yssctwiantedur tePoupr byr ol ri mci gLihsatendodf i nOA lrAadNsekCrasS NAi sa. s tui ve ed Cu on rdpeor r Aa Nt i oC nS sA t Soe sc et il oe cn t 1a 7n (dd r) (e 1c e) iwv eh ec or en vs ue yc ha n c e prEeansrsocuuerlreca teshstarotunns aet dil tajhanecdre, ntrhte esl aurnletdvs si ie. nwa pn ry otceems sp foor ra rpyl aoc ri npge tr rmi baanl el na nt dr es si tnr ti oc t ti or un ss t o, nn oarc tche es sf i tnoa, l adneds idgenvaet li oo pn mo ef na t o f , s PS u u u p p rs p p u o o e r r tt F i n ee x g d e e p m r r a o p l t t S e io e c n c ti r o oe n f t a t o h r f i e a t hl T O e o r n in d g t e a e r s r s s e l N s if t a t s i t n o io g f n AAa l N l a F s C k o S a r A e N § s a t 1 t f i7 r v o e (m d s ) i t( n h 1 e t ) h a 2 e n 0 ir d 0 A 1 o N t R h C o e S a r A d P l l e u a s b n s l d i R c s u L e l a l e e n . c dtiOonrds earnsd, wenhtiiltelements. Mining Education and Training toMhc aec i unMpt iaanit ni i no agn aha lingcdhe lPr ytei tft rircaoai l nteeeu dpmrAoTl gar rsaaki nma i nns gwi nSoterhrkevf oi UcreAc , esUyt Ahs Srt eoCmueg,nhi tnescrul ufpodpri onMrgt i ntohef eaTlUrl aAmi Fni niCni ong l g, l eaagnneddot ghf eEe onPl gor igi nnyec ree er Wli an tiglel adi andmde MgS roi eunene asd , n d CaS puo ppl l lpei gcoaer ttMi Uo innl l iwfvoerrri gas hi $tty1P6or0foMAg lraNasmSkFa. Re fef goirot ns af ol Irntnh oe vAa ltai os kn apCr roigt ircaaml Mt oi neesrt aa lbCl i os hl l at bh oe rAa lt ai vs ek aa nC dr i teinc da lo Mr sienme reanl ts o f t h e PAnarcotcuevrliedarlearSteotsarot.uerocfeAinladsuksatrsyupcparoeretrfso.r Alaska Resource Education to educate an upcoming workforce about Statewide Policy Impacts SStuaptpe’osretcinonfroamstyru. cture projects that leverage responsible resource development to sustain and grow the Ebrnosaudre-btahsaetdpfuubnldiciningfsroaustrrcuecst.ure is open to all users and maintenance comes from public revenue or Sr euspppoonrst i cbol en triensuoeudr cseu cdceevseslfoupl mc oelnl atbwo irtahtiino nt hbeettrwaenesnb ot hu en dSat ar tyeroefg Ai ol na s. k a a n d o u r C a n a d i a n n e i g h b o r s o n