Alaska Miner Winter 2025 59 Join us! AMA members also receive: n This quarterly Alaska Miner Magazine n Regular issues of the Alaska Miner Journal association newsletter n The annual Alaska Miners Handbook and Service Directory n The weekly emailed AMA Executive Director Update n Political representation for mining issues by the AMA lobbyists in Juneau n Access to branch breakfasts n Opportunity to serve on a number of oversight and special interest committees n Affiliation with other trade associations interested in reasonable and responsible resource development. n Promotion of legislation favorable to mineral development n AMA voting rights n Discounted registration to the Annual Convention n Special discounts on event registrations To join, go online to: or contact Jennifer Luiten at 907-270-9232 or If you are reading this as a member of The Alaska Miners Association, Thank You! If you are not a member, and care about the future of mining in Alaska and the Alaska economy in general, you need to join AMA. AMA advocates to the public and policy makers on behalf of Alaska’s mineral industry. AMA also provides a wealth of institutional knowledge to assist members in mining activities. AMA fights for our members to ensure that restrictions on land and water use are economically realistic and provide a balance between environmental protection and resource utilization. Through our activities in communities around Alaska, AMA works hard to increase public awareness of the mineral industry and its economic implications to the State and to the nation. A membership to AMA amplifies your voice on regulation and legislative issues, and helps fund continued outreach and education efforts by the association to Alaskans, while granting you access to industry experts who can assist you. In addition, eight local chapters of AMA meet every week or month, depending on the season, to stay up to date on key issues and provide teamwork for our fellow members.