Alaska Miner Winter 2025

The Alaska Miner Winter 2025 30 Presented by Mike Satre John Hoppe has been a quintessential public servant to Alaska since 2002, when he joined BLM’s Mineral Assessment Program. He currently serves as a Geologist with the Bureau of Land Management in the Alaska State Office in Anchorage. John is a Certified Mineral Examiner and a member of BLM’s Mineral Examiner Certification Panel. Prior to the BLM, John worked for several years throughout Alaska with Kennecott Exploration as well as working at the Red Dog and Greens Creek Mines. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Montana and has lived in Alaska since 1998. In his time at BLM, John has worked extensively to uphold the agency’s multiple-use mission and fulfill requirements to Alaska’s public lands while accommodating Alaska’s mining activity with an open mind. He spends many weeks in the summers visiting mining projects, from remote placer mines and exploration projects, to work alongside miners on best practices. He is both an educator, helping advise miners on requirements and how to attain them, but also a student, learning from longtime experts on techniques and applying them to BLM oversight methods. Back in the office, John spends a significant amount of time providing AMA and Alaska’s miners with information and materials to ensure miners’ success and BLM’s objectives alike. He has worked on several Resource Management Plans for the BLM, incorporating land use necessities and Alaska specific needs. He is a frequent contributor to AMA’s Federal Oversight Committee and ongoing membership meetings, providing important updates and information from BLM so that miners are aware of critical issues. This award critieria states, “this award will recognize someone who has gone above and beyond to work with miners to continue or improve the industry’s presence in Alaska and achieve shared results for Alaska’s economy, communities, and residents. Their unwavering dedication to their mission serves as an inspiration to others.” This no doubt describes John to a T, and the regulatory world could use a lot more John Hoppes! John Hoppe, Public Service Award