Alaska Miner Winter 2025

the last four years reminding ourselves to stay positive and move past the headwinds, and now, we must stay on track to engage in policy that will help our industry. We return to Alaska with some optimism and a longer list of things to do! Soon, we’ll host the third Juneau Mining Forum at the Baranof Hotel. The event educates members of the Legislature, staff, administration and Juneau public on mining issues. Topics covered will be federal issues, environmental standards, economic and community benefits, building the local workforce and critical minerals. Elsewhere in this publication you’ll see a list of our 2025 federal and state Issues of Concern, and you can be sure these issues are at the forefront of our discussions at the Forum and all session long. A goal I have, and I know we all share, for all of these events is to keep telling our great story. During our visits in Washington, our friends and allies shared that it is truly the only thing that will make a difference in terms of reasonable policies for mining. Thank God we have so much to work with — great operations, great people, great accomplishments. You all make for a great story and it is a privilege to be able to tell it. Deantha Skibinski AMA Executive Director Dear Alaska Miners, I can’t believe we are already at the first issue of our 2025 publications. I can’t believe it’s 2025, and I certainly can’t believe February is nearly behind us. I know that part of the reason time is flying is there is so much going on, from a day-to-day perspective but also the events and activities that are putting our industry and membership on display. At time of writing this, we’ve just wrapped up the Association of Mineral Exploration of British Columbia Roundup convention. We had an amazing Alaska Night with what we believe was the highest attendance ever. The Pan Pacific Ocean Suites were packed with people talking about Alaska. We heard rave reviews from participants who shared they forged new relationships, secured new contracts and customers, and other beneficial connections — that’s what it is all about! This event, which puts our state and industry in front of the Pacific Northwest investment market, was made possible by a number of member company sponsors. Please help me to thank them for making it possible: 3-Tier Alaska, Alaska Log Works Inc., Alaska Midnight Sun Drilling Inc, Alaska Minerals, Inc., Ambler Metals, BGC Engineering, Inc., Childs Geoscience Inc., Construction Machinery Industrial, LLC, Cyr Drilling USA Inc., Doyon, Limited, Freegold Ventures Limited, Fuse & Traverse, LLC, Graphite One Inc, HDR, Hecla Mining Company, Heliostar Metals Ltd, Hope Mining Company, Inc., Horst Expediting and Remote Operations, Inc., JP Tangen, Attorney at Law (P.C.), Just Refiners USA, Inc., Logic Geophysics, MDF Global, MES Mining, NANA, Northern Permafrost Consulting, NOVAGOLD Resources, Inc., Nuna LLC, Owl Ridge Natural Resource Consultants, Inc., Pacific Rim Geological Consulting, Piton Exploration, LLC, R A Hughes & Associates, Rangefront Mining Services, Ruen Drilling, Inc., SLR Consulting, SMS Equipment Inc., Solvest Inc., SRK Consulting, Stantec Consulting Services, Stoel Rives LLP, Storm Exploration LLC, Techline Alaska, Tectonic Metals, Inc., Timberline Drilling Inc., Top Shelf Realty, Tubutulik Mining Co. LLC, Tundra Consulting, U.S. GoldMining Inc., Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., Valhalla Metals Inc., Western Alaska Minerals, Yukuskokon Professional Services, LLC, Zinnolithic LLC I missed seeing all of these great companies and miners this year as AMA Statewide Chair Lorali Simon and I traveled to Washington D.C., for the inauguration of President Trump. It was a wild time to be in our nation’s capital — millions of people from all across our country engaging in the path ahead. We met with many lawmakers and appeared at hearings where legislation and policy discussion on issues affecting us packed the days. We have spent Executive Director’s Report 1