104 PUNCHMAGAZINE.COM art with oomph carolinelizarraga.com ing outside is the same color as your walls.” The same applies to idyllic settings. “If you have a hill behind your house and it’s all green, you’re not going to choose green for the interior,” she guides. “Maybe you choose a very deep gold color because that’s in the grass and that will pull you deeper into the hill.” So what’s next for Caroline? “Hold on, I have 50 ideas, lemme show you!’” she exclaims, a gut response to this question. Anything can ignite her imagination: from nature—as her crocodile print, malachite and fishscale accent walls can attest—to fashion. “I’ll see a pair of pants, and I’ll think, ‘Oh my god, that pattern, blown up, dripping down the walls with some flashes of lacquer on it, will be amazing.’” Caroline pauses and glances about, as if sensing the next idea down the hall or around the corner. “There’s a saying that if you do what you love, you don’t work a day in your life. The reality is you’re working every second— but if you love it, you’re not working in your mind, you know?” PHOTOGRAPHY: COURTESY OF CATHERINE NGUYEN / COURTESY OF ANNAMAE PHOTO {home & design}